Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A few days ago, I decided to incorporate a "Bathtub Science" into our nightly routine. Before bath time, we grabbed a few items around the house... a spoon, a key, and a plastic cup. In the bathroom, we grabbed a seashell, soap, a rubber ducky and a toy boat. As I filled the tub, I threw in the items one at a time and asked Brody if he thought the item would "float?" or "sink?". At first, of course, he just answered whichever... but after a few times, he would answer correctly. The next night, I had made a posters with water and labeled them "Float" and "Sink". I had printed pictures of the items, and as we threw them in the water, I asked if they would float or sink and we put them onto the posters either floating or sinking. The third time, I assumed he had memorized the correct answer to each item since he would answer correctly to the float or sink question. I thought that I should probably get some new items for next time. Then today, Brody and I went to the swimming pool. I had brought along some toy boats (as our new theme this week is "Boats"). Brody was playing with the boats in the pool and said, "Boats float on water." I was thrilled because that is actually our simple sentence this week and I assumed he had memorized it. As we took a break from swimming, I noticed Brody looking up at the sky at the clouds. I took this opportunity to ask him to point out a big cloud then a little cloud, which he did... I then added another synonym, and asked him to point out a big, huge cloud and then a little, small cloud. Once again, I added another synonym, asking him to point out a big, huge, gigantic cloud and then a little, small, tiny cloud. As I was trying to think of another synonym for the fourth time, Brody was still watching the clouds... Suddenly, a light bulb went off in his head! His eyes grew big and he cupped my face in his hands (so I would look him in the eyes) and said, "The clouds floating!" ... By George, I THINK he got it after all!

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